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Airgun Fieldcraft Magazine

0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
The modern air rifle is a wonderful pest control tool. In skilled hands, it plays an important part in the protection of crops and in the conservation of wildlife’s more vulnerable species – and, of course, it can provide the airgunner with some outstanding sport. But the air rifle’s limited power and range places a huge onus of responsibility on its user; to be a successful hunter, you must be a master of fieldcraft.
By way of advice, tips and entertaining anecdotes, this book passes down the expertise of one of the most accomplished air rifle fieldsman of modern times. In his hunting lifetime, Ian Barnett has mastered the art of getting close to his quarry – fieldcraft – like no other.
Now, pulling together all his hunting knowledge and experience into the one volume, Ian has given anyone who wishes to become a more adept air rifle hunter privileged access to a most valuable source of information.
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Airgun Fieldcraft

Airgun Fieldcraft - Ian Barnett The modern air rifle is a wonderful pest control tool. In skilled hands, it plays an important part in the protection of crops and in the conservation of wildlife’s more vulnerable species – and, of course, it can provide the airgunner with some outstanding sport. But the air rifle’s limited power and range places a huge onus of responsibility on its user; to be a successful hunter, you must be a master of fieldcraft. By way of advice, tips and entertaining anecdotes, this book passes down the expertise of one of the most accomplished air rifle fieldsman of modern times. In his hunting lifetime, Ian Barnett has mastered the art of getting close to his quarry – fieldcraft – like no other. Now, pulling together all his hunting knowledge and experience into the one volume, Ian has given anyone who wishes to become a more adept air rifle hunter privileged access to a most valuable source of information.

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Airgun Fieldcraft  |  Airgun Fieldcraft - Ian Barnett  

The modern air rifle is a wonderful pest control tool. In skilled hands, it plays an important part in the protection of crops and in the conservation of wildlife’s more vulnerable species – and, of course, it can provide the airgunner with some outstanding sport. But the air rifle’s limited power and range places a huge onus of responsibility on its user; to be a successful hunter, you must be a master of fieldcraft.
By way of advice, tips and entertaining anecdotes, this book passes down the expertise of one of the most accomplished air rifle fieldsman of modern times. In his hunting lifetime, Ian Barnett has mastered the art of getting close to his quarry – fieldcraft – like no other.
Now, pulling together all his hunting knowledge and experience into the one volume, Ian has given anyone who wishes to become a more adept air rifle hunter privileged access to a most valuable source of information.
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The modern air rifle is a wonderful pest control tool. In skilled hands, it plays an important part in the protection of crops and in the conservation of wildlife’s more vulnerable species – and, of course, it can provide the airgunner with some outstanding sport. But the air rifle’s limited power and range places a huge onus of responsibility on its user; to be a successful hunter, you must be a master of fieldcraft.
By way of advice, tips and entertaining anecdotes, this book passes down the expertise of one of the most accomplished air rifle fieldsman of modern times. In his hunting lifetime, Ian Barnett has mastered the art of getting close to his quarry – fieldcraft – like no other.
Now, pulling together all his hunting knowledge and experience into the one volume, Ian has given anyone who wishes to become a more adept air rifle hunter privileged access to a most valuable source of information.

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