Lifestyle Bookazine  |  The Core Strength Training Book Eleventh Edition
Improve your strength, posture and fitness with this essential core-training handbook. Modern day lifestyles can be highly sedentary, meaning certain core muscles may become inactive. If you don’t exercise your core muscles regularly, you will lose the ability to engage them instinctively while performing everyday movements such as bending and lifting. The Core Strength Training Book is packed with over 150 exercises with additional variations and progressions to make each as versatile and challenging as possible. Clear annotations will help you achieve the best possible form, and precise anatomical illustrations include details about the location and function of each of your core muscles – and how they work together in body movements. Loaded with step-by-step, user-friendly instructions, this is the definitive guide to building a stronger core.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Lifestyle Bookazine The Core Strength Training Book Eleventh Edition.