TGO - The Great Outdoors Magazine  |  Hillwalking in Scotland
Our 172-page guide to hillwalking in Scotland includes 64 mapped routes across the Highlands, Borders, Lowlands, Uplands and Islands. It also has sensational photography of Scotland’s breathtaking landscapes, features and walks from Cameron McNeish, Hamish Brown, Robert Macfarlane, Chris Townsend and other leading outdoor writers, a fascinating introduction to Scottish geography and geology, and round-ups of Scotland’s best Munros, Corbetts, ridges and views. This special collection offers not just Scotland’s finest high-level routes, but also its greatest ridge walks, coastal walks, low-level walks, scrambles and weekend wild camping spots.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in TGO - The Great Outdoors Magazine Hillwalking in Scotland.