What Motorhome magazine  |  August 2019
Campervans are the fastest-growing - and, perhaps, most exciting - part of the leisure vehicle market, so this issue is devoted entirely to the sector.
We talk you through choosing a campervan, the different types - from daily driver VW T6s to larger Crafters and Fiat Ducatos - and how to ensure that you buy a conversion that's safe for you and your family.
Most importantly, we review some of the best campers on the market, including leading names such as Adria, Auto-Sleepers, Danbury, Elddis, Globecar, Hobby, Knaus, Rolling Homes and Vantage. In all, there are 20 new models featured, including one that has just been launched.
And talking of stuff that's hot off the press, we bring you the first news of Westfalia's fabulous new flagship James Cook.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in What Motorhome magazine August 2019.