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Airgun World Magazine December 2011 Edición anterior

10 Reseñas   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
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December 2011
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December 2011 December 2011

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Proud to be 'Britain’s biggest selling airgun magazine', Airgun World offers essential reading for dedicated airgun shooters aiming to improve their technique. Focused on target shooting and hunting with air rifles & pistols for both sport and pleasure - this monthly magazine extensively covers all facets of the discipline in a bid to enhance your shooting endeavours.  

Expertly written by fellow airgun enthusiasts, this practical and informative publication offers excellent advice to shooters of all abilities and experience levels. Featuring in-depth reviews and field tests of all types of airguns and attachments - Airgun World offers a broad scope of education that covers customisation, modification, shooting techniques and much more. With analysis on the best camo clothing, tips on improving your aim, and fascinating features on the sport and hobby, an Airgun World digital magazine subscription provides you with all the ammunition you need to take your passion to the next level.

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