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Providing you with the information and knowledge you’ll need to survive any emergency situation is our goal. Because this can be a complicated endeavor, we’ve developed this “prepper’s checklist” to help simplify and organize your efforts and gear. Whether you’re concerned about a short-term rural survival scenario, civil unrest in an urban area or a massive natural disaster, American Survival Guide is dedicated to making sure you know what it takes to develop the skills and collect the right gear to protect yourself and the rest of your survival group. This comprehensive checklist is invaluable for ensuring you have what you need to survive almost any adverse situation. It is organized according to our “Six Pillars of Survival”—food, water, shelter, security, communications and health—so you can instantly assess and track your level of preparedness in each area. We encourage you to customize it so it will meet your specific requirements. We suggest you carefully cut these two pages from this issue and make copies to be kept in your storage area as an inventory sheet and also with your important documents. It can even be used as a shopping list for items you haven’t acquired yet

Lea el artículo completo y muchos más en este número de American Outdoor Guide: Boundless
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Edición digital única Prepper Issue 1 2019
€7,99 / issue
Este número y otros números atrasados no se incluyen en un nuevo suscripción. Las suscripciones incluyen el último número regular y los nuevos números publicados durante su suscripción. American Outdoor Guide: Boundless