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Antiques Trade Gazette ATG Issue 2136 Edición anterior

48 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
Only €4,99
Antiques Trade Gazette is the essential publication for everyone with a serious interest in art, antiques and collectables.
Every week it is packed with up-to-the-minute news on the market, with individual items beautifully illustrated throughout. Since 1971 it has been the most reliable source of information on what is really happening at auctions in the UK and around the world. Each issue is filled with auction advertisements and detailed auction reports written by expert journalists.
The Dealer’s Diary section keeps readers constantly updated on what is happening at the fairs and markets and in the galleries and shops.
Market professionals and serious collectors throughout the world rely on ATG to keep them informed on developments and issues which shape the art market. It is here that they learn about the prices achieved at auction in every area - from antiquities to pop memorabilia, from impressionist paintings to Chinese art. With 500 or more art objects pictured, every issue is a treat to the eye and a visual education.
Whatever the topic Antiques Trade Gazette is well-informed, up-to-date and entertaining.
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Antiques Trade Gazette

ATG Issue 2136 Antiques Trade Gazette is the essential publication for everyone with a serious interest in art, antiques and collectables. Every week it is packed with up-to-the-minute news on the market, with individual items beautifully illustrated throughout. Since 1971 it has been the most reliable source of information on what is really happening at auctions in the UK and around the world. Each issue is filled with auction advertisements and detailed auction reports written by expert journalists. The Dealer’s Diary section keeps readers constantly updated on what is happening at the fairs and markets and in the galleries and shops. Market professionals and serious collectors throughout the world rely on ATG to keep them informed on developments and issues which shape the art market. It is here that they learn about the prices achieved at auction in every area - from antiquities to pop memorabilia, from impressionist paintings to Chinese art. With 500 or more art objects pictured, every issue is a treat to the eye and a visual education. Whatever the topic Antiques Trade Gazette is well-informed, up-to-date and entertaining.

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Antiques Trade Gazette issue ATG Issue 2136

Antiques Trade Gazette  |  ATG Issue 2136  

Antiques Trade Gazette is the essential publication for everyone with a serious interest in art, antiques and collectables.
Every week it is packed with up-to-the-minute news on the market, with individual items beautifully illustrated throughout. Since 1971 it has been the most reliable source of information on what is really happening at auctions in the UK and around the world. Each issue is filled with auction advertisements and detailed auction reports written by expert journalists.
The Dealer’s Diary section keeps readers constantly updated on what is happening at the fairs and markets and in the galleries and shops.
Market professionals and serious collectors throughout the world rely on ATG to keep them informed on developments and issues which shape the art market. It is here that they learn about the prices achieved at auction in every area - from antiquities to pop memorabilia, from impressionist paintings to Chinese art. With 500 or more art objects pictured, every issue is a treat to the eye and a visual education.
Whatever the topic Antiques Trade Gazette is well-informed, up-to-date and entertaining.
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Antiques Trade Gazette is the essential publication for everyone with a serious interest in art, antiques and collectables.
Every week it is packed with up-to-the-minute news on the market, with individual items beautifully illustrated throughout. Since 1971 it has been the most reliable source of information on what is really happening at auctions in the UK and around the world. Each issue is filled with auction advertisements and detailed auction reports written by expert journalists.
The Dealer’s Diary section keeps readers constantly updated on what is happening at the fairs and markets and in the galleries and shops.
Market professionals and serious collectors throughout the world rely on ATG to keep them informed on developments and issues which shape the art market. It is here that they learn about the prices achieved at auction in every area - from antiquities to pop memorabilia, from impressionist paintings to Chinese art. With 500 or more art objects pictured, every issue is a treat to the eye and a visual education.
Whatever the topic Antiques Trade Gazette is well-informed, up-to-date and entertaining.

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Basado en 48 Opiniones de los clientes
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Artículos de este número

A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Antiques Trade Gazette ATG Issue 2136.

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