AQ: Australian Quarterly  |  AQ: Australian Quarterly 87.4
Now in it's 87th year AQ continues to pack its pages with the country’s most distinguished and passionate thinkers, tackling the big issues in science, politics and society.
This is a bumper issue of AQ! We wonder why, when nuclear is on the decline globally, Australia is still bothering to talk about it; we look at the ethics of human enhancement; and at the advances in neuroscience that could hold off - and even reverse - the effects of ageing on our brains!
This year is also the 100th year of CSL, and we look at their impact from a number of angles.
All this, and more, in the next edition of AQ.
AQ continues to deliver In-depth and independent analyses of the topics that are shaping Australia. With longer-style articles written by the people at the forefront of the debates, AQ is unique in bridging the gap between journal and magazine, combining the compelling writing of a glossy with the intellectual rigour of a journal.
If it matters to Australia then it matters to AQ. Know science, know politics, know Australian Quarterly.
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• Un descuento sobre el PVP de su revista
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• Estás protegido de las subidas de precios que puedan producirse más adelante en el año
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Nota: Las ediciones digitales no incluyen los artículos de portada ni los suplementos que encontraría en los ejemplares impresos.
Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en AQ: Australian Quarterly AQ: Australian Quarterly 87.4.