Aquila  |  Real World Maths
Topology - mug and donut topologically equivalent - play Mugnuts game / Christopher Wren - Great Fire of London city planning Milton Keynes / Pillow forts denbuilding architecture - statics forces gravity tension / 6 disastrous Miscalculations - NASA's Genesis Probe Christopher Columbus Tacoma Narrows Bridge aeroelastic flutter Challenger shuttle Vasa warship French trains too wide for platforms / Mathematics in choreographer's toolbox - choreography translation rotation reflection symmetry Elizabeth Streb / Perspective - paint like L. S. Lowry / Snowflake symmetry - reflections rotations hexagonal symmetry hydrogen bonds designer snowflakes / Skate maths - calculus motion velocity angles circles centre of gravity momentum Tom Schaar - skateboards ollie frontside 180 / Perfectionism - self-esteem / The Wishing Tree of the Blue Dragon Temple ancient Korean story retold by B. C. Bond / Win City of Zombies board game
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