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AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine AW Sept 8 2011 Edición anterior

147 Reseñas   •  English   •   Sport (Athletics & Running)
Only €3,49
Includes British Olympic Legends Booklet - Don Thompson, Ken Matthews
Along with all our regular features, news, comprehensive results, product reviews, training advice and events listings, this week's AW features
- Action - Daegu World Championships review
- Performance - Dai Greene's gold medal schedule
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AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine Preview Pages

AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine

AW Sept 8 2011 Includes British Olympic Legends Booklet - Don Thompson, Ken Matthews Along with all our regular features, news, comprehensive results, product reviews, training advice and events listings, this week's AW features - Action - Daegu World Championships review - Performance - Dai Greene's gold medal schedule

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AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine issue AW Sept 8 2011

AW – Athletics Weekly Magazine  |  AW Sept 8 2011  

Includes British Olympic Legends Booklet - Don Thompson, Ken Matthews
Along with all our regular features, news, comprehensive results, product reviews, training advice and events listings, this week's AW features
- Action - Daegu World Championships review
- Performance - Dai Greene's gold medal schedule
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Athletics Weekly magazine was founded in 1945 by Jimmy Green, who produced the magazine in the bedroom of his bungalow in Kent. Ever since then, Athletics Weekly has been dedicated to bringing its readers the highest quality news from the world of athletics. The journalists at Athletics Weekly have always prided themselves for being at the coal face of sports - interviewing athletes and coaches at all the top events, as well as the smaller ones.

Athletics Weekly magazine has earned its title as the ultimate bible for athletics and the first port of call for serious athletes and athletic fans looking for a great read. Each magazine contains in-depth training guides and tips to help maximise your fitness and get the most out of your athletic lifestyle. Athletics Weekly contains a roster of track and field, cross-country, road racing and race walking events from across the country you can sign up for. You can expect detailed reports and results from the greatest athletic events that are happening around the world - always stay up-to-date with the champions!

Whether you're a keen athlete, a professional or even a newbie to your sport of choice, Athletics Weekly is the interesting and informative read that’ll help maximise your potential as an athlete. 

Don’t miss out on all the features and highlights that you can enjoy with your Athletics Weekly digital magazine subscription:

  • In-depth training guides to get you in perfect form
  • Nutritional advice for maximum performance
  • The latest news in the world of athletics
  • Details on upcoming events and competitions
  • No nonsense product guides to help you get the most out of your gear
  • A dedicated and passionate group of journalists and editors who produce the best content possible

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Basado en 147 Opiniones de los clientes
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The bible of athletics

Easily the best source of news & features for the premier Olympic sport. Revisado 27 octubre 2022

MR Car

What a fantastic read! It covers everything you need to know about athletics. Revisado 19 marzo 2013


Just what I needed! Revisado 23 noviembre 2012

I love Athletics Weekly

Having been involved in the athletics world since early childhood, I love Athletics Weekly. Its a really great read, very informative and always enjoyable. Revisado 23 noviembre 2012

Truly the bible for athletes, runners and fans of the sport Revisado 14 junio 2012

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