On a day-to-day basis, many of us don’t get the chance to flex our creative muscles. It’s easy to get ground down into the doldrums of daily life, forgetting how important it is to let the crafty rightside of our brains run free. Creating projects, making things from nothing, being resourceful, looking for new purpose in old items or simply putting a pen to paper and letting yourself get lost in doodling, are not only crucial for your mental health, but super important for the planet, too. We’re not being dramatic either. Being ingenious could hold the answers to solving our current climate problems – all it takes is one person to think outside of the box. Crafting may merely be a way to while away an evening for you, but if you’re making something useful, it could be the difference between life and death for someone else. There are endless benefits for you too, from stress relief to better problem-solving, and given the current state of the world, we need all the sharpthinking problem-solvers we can get.