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Hobbies & Crafts

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Beckett Baseball Magazine

12 números al año   |  English
252 Reseñas   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
From €4,00 por número

Are you devoted to the exciting game of baseball? Looking to grow your card collection with rare finds? Whether you’re a regular collector or just starting out, Beckett Baseball is the perfect monthly magazine to fulfil all your baseball card collecting fantasies.

Wondering which rookie cards you need to look out for? Curious to know how much your cards are really worth? From the latest collecting trends to exploring past releases and sets and so much more, Beckett Baseball is loaded with everything you need to know about the hobby, as well as all the hottest baseball cards on the market.

For both veterans and novices alike, Beckett Baseball is a must-have monthly read for staying up to date on the world of baseball card collecting. Hit a home-run today with a Beckett Baseball magazine subscription and keep your card collection growing all-year-round!

Beckett Baseball Magazine Preview PagesBeckett Baseball Magazine Preview Pages

Beckett Baseball Magazine

2025-75 (Baseball-Apr) Beckett Baseball April 2025, Inside all 49 Ichiro RCs ranked, Hall of fame class of 2025, And more...

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Edición digital única 2025-75 (Baseball-Apr)
15,99 / issue
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€4,00 / edición
6 Meses Suscripción digital €29,99 facturado dos veces al año
€5,00 / edición
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Los ahorros se calculan sobre la compra comparable de números sueltos durante un periodo de suscripción anualizado y pueden variar respecto a los importes anunciados. Los cálculos son meramente ilustrativos. Las suscripciones digitales incluyen el último número y todos los números regulares publicados durante su suscripción, a menos que se indique lo contrario. El periodo elegido se renovará automáticamente a menos que se cancele en el área Mi cuenta hasta 24 horas antes del final de la suscripción actual.

Beckett Baseball Magazine issue 2025-75 (Baseball-Apr)

Beckett Baseball Magazine  |  2025-75 (Baseball-Apr)  

Beckett Baseball April 2025,
Inside all 49 Ichiro RCs ranked,
Hall of fame class of 2025,
And more...
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