Big Carp Magazine  |  Big Carp 320
March Campaign Issue
And we're off! OMG what a winter, so glad to see the back of that one! I cannot remember a winter where continued cold weather went on so long. From the first week of December when day time temperatures were well into the minus's right through with only the odd patchy mild spell. At last March is here, the nights are drawing out, the carp will be waking up ravenous and eager to build up their weights preparing for their yearly breeding cycle. I'm sure many of you will have been preparing for this time of the year too, pre-baiting likely spots with regular reccy's to chosen venues for 'The Off'.
So, with that in mind some articles this month to get you all in the mood for the new season, in both Big Carp and Free Line, your monthly FREE digital carp journals. Top of the list is Barry Oconnor's 'A Year on Cottington', what a venue Cottington is, once again voted No.1 in our Big Carp top 10 Competition this year for UK Carp Fisheries, the fish are incredible and getting bigger every year. Barry and his son Benn have fished this venue for several years and their knowledge is unequalled. Look out too this issue for the photo feature on this prize-winning venue, showcasing just a few of its many gems.
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omo abonado recibirá las siguientes ventajas:
• Un descuento sobre el PVP de su revista
• Su revista en su dispositivo cada mes
• Nunca te perderás un número
• Estás protegido de las subidas de precios que puedan producirse más adelante en el año
Recibirás 12 problemas durante un año Big Carp Magazine suscripción a la revista.
Nota: Las ediciones digitales no incluyen los artículos de portada ni los suplementos que encontraría en los ejemplares impresos.
Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Big Carp Magazine Big Carp 320.