Bluff Europe  |  Bluff Europe July issue
This issue, we talk to Guy Laliberete, founder of Cirque de Soleil and the first poker player in space. He tells us about the WSOP million-dollar buy-in tournament which he has organised in order to raise money for the One Drop foundation, an organisation that aims to introduce clean water supplies to the developing world. We also meet Shaun Deeb, the man who singe-handedly crushed last month's SCOOP; we dream up the mother of all "poker caves"; we look back at the life of Amarillo Slim; and we find out why poker movies suck. Plus all the latest views and strategy from columnists such as Neil Channing, Phil Laak and Jennifer Tilly.
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Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Bluff Europe Bluff Europe July issue.