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Boxing News Presents Magazine Issue 13 Edición anterior

2 Reseñas   •  English   •   Sport (Ring & Combat Sport)
George Foreman, the orchestrator of the greatest comeback in sporting history.
Big George’s story is told through the eyes of those who witnessed his rise, fall, and triumphant return.
There are numerous exclusive interviews with Foreman himself, from the 1970s to the present day, each offering stunning insight into his life and times. We also hear from his opponents, those unfortunates who felt the force of Big George’s tree trunk arms slamming into their faces.
As usual, the 100-page bookazine is decorated with both iconic and largely unseen photography.
Boxing News Presents Preview PagesBoxing News Presents Preview Pages

Boxing News Presents

Issue 13 FOREMAN George Foreman, the orchestrator of the greatest comeback in sporting history. Big George’s story is told through the eyes of those who witnessed his rise, fall, and triumphant return. There are numerous exclusive interviews with Foreman himself, from the 1970s to the present day, each offering stunning insight into his life and times. We also hear from his opponents, those unfortunates who felt the force of Big George’s tree trunk arms slamming into their faces. As usual, the 100-page bookazine is decorated with both iconic and largely unseen photography.

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