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Build It Magazine Best of Self Build & Renovation Edición especial

79 Reseñas   •  English   •   Family & Home (DIY)
Only €6,99
For 11 years the Build It Awards, in association with BuildStore, have been the most coveted accolade in the self build industry. Rigorous, impartial judging allows us to celebrate industry success and, helps you to find the highest-quality products and services for your self build.

From innovative products, to essential services, pioneering suppliers and awe-inspiring projects, the awards celebrates 25 individual categories – take a look to see the shortlists and winners.
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Build It

Best of Self Build & Renovation For 11 years the Build It Awards, in association with BuildStore, have been the most coveted accolade in the self build industry. Rigorous, impartial judging allows us to celebrate industry success and, helps you to find the highest-quality products and services for your self build. From innovative products, to essential services, pioneering suppliers and awe-inspiring projects, the awards celebrates 25 individual categories – take a look to see the shortlists and winners.

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Número especial digital Best of Self Build & Renovation
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Los ahorros se calculan sobre la compra comparable de números sueltos durante un periodo de suscripción anualizado y pueden variar respecto a los importes anunciados. Los cálculos son meramente ilustrativos. Las suscripciones digitales incluyen el último número y todos los números regulares publicados durante su suscripción, a menos que se indique lo contrario. El periodo elegido se renovará automáticamente a menos que se cancele en el área Mi cuenta hasta 24 horas antes del final de la suscripción actual.

Get your next home building project underway with the ultimate custom home building magazine, Build It. As Britain’s most practical and longest running self-build magazine, you’ll find everything you need to know about successfully taking on your very own home building project.

From renovation and DIY to a range of extensions and upgrades, Build It magazine is packed full of brilliant design ideas, inspiration and expert advice to help you get started on your next project. Every issue offers you the opportunity to learn from industry experts on the more complicated subjects as well, such as budget and costs or planning and managing your home renovation project.

With a monthly digital subscription, you’ll never miss out on the latest features that cover building systems, construction materials you need to know about, major project guides and much more!  

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