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Canadian Cowboy Country Magazine Apr/May 2018 Edición anterior

6 Reseñas   •  English   •   General Interest (National & Regional)
Only €4,99
Our much-anticipated Vacation Guide is here and along with fascinating Canadian places, we also take a trip south to Montana to explore some shared history, and a surprising trip to Australia! We’ve got a series of interviews with different ranchers on what works on their outfit for a smooth branding and we lay bare the sad facts of a century-old murder and cover up — and one of the earlier examples of “fake news.” A new-to-us invasive species is crossing north into Canada and we’re now at war with feral pigs. All of this, plus the continuing horse training series by JP Forget and a look at spring fashion, in the Apr/May issue of Canadian Cowboy Country!
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Canadian Cowboy Country

Apr/May 2018 Our much-anticipated Vacation Guide is here and along with fascinating Canadian places, we also take a trip south to Montana to explore some shared history, and a surprising trip to Australia! We’ve got a series of interviews with different ranchers on what works on their outfit for a smooth branding and we lay bare the sad facts of a century-old murder and cover up — and one of the earlier examples of “fake news.” A new-to-us invasive species is crossing north into Canada and we’re now at war with feral pigs. All of this, plus the continuing horse training series by JP Forget and a look at spring fashion, in the Apr/May issue of Canadian Cowboy Country!

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Canadian Cowboy Country issue Apr/May 2018

Canadian Cowboy Country  |  Apr/May 2018  

Our much-anticipated Vacation Guide is here and along with fascinating Canadian places, we also take a trip south to Montana to explore some shared history, and a surprising trip to Australia! We’ve got a series of interviews with different ranchers on what works on their outfit for a smooth branding and we lay bare the sad facts of a century-old murder and cover up — and one of the earlier examples of “fake news.” A new-to-us invasive species is crossing north into Canada and we’re now at war with feral pigs. All of this, plus the continuing horse training series by JP Forget and a look at spring fashion, in the Apr/May issue of Canadian Cowboy Country!
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Canadian Cowboy Country Magazine is dedicated to the preservation of our western heritage by celebrating Canada’s unique western culture. Published bi-monthly in Alberta and distributed nationally, our readers ride into the heart of the Canadian West and immerse themselves with the people and places that define this unique lifestyle.
Each issue includes editorial spreads on fascinating Homes of the West, horse training advice from recognised experts, profiles on some of the great ranches, true Living Legends and our popular Trail Blazers, profiles on the people, and in some cases, the livestock, whose lives made a definite contribution to the Canadian West.
Other annual features include our Western Art Guide, annual Vacation Guide, Western Horse Issue, Home Builders Showcase, Western Decor Guide and specialty destination guides that includes all there is to see and do in Alberta’s capital city when attending the Canadian Finals Rodeo.
If you are an international reader , you can save both time and money with our digital edition.

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First Class Canadian Country Mag

First Class Canadian Country Mag - enjoyed my time working in Canada and living on the range, cowboy culture rocks and this is the mag for all who love Cowboy Country. Revisado 22 noviembre 2018

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