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China Report Magazine Issue 134 Edición anterior

6 Reseñas   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Only €3,49
China is one step ahead in working on recycling solar panels and batteries, or giving them a second life, as the West is busy putting up barriers to new imports from China (p.22-26). Digital micro-dramas or ultrashorts are in high demand in China (p.36-38), and producers are reeling in audiences overseas (p.39-41) Skateboarding and three other ‘street sports’ make their debut at the Paris Olympic Games. What are they and how they got in? (p.56-59)
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China Report

Issue 134 China is one step ahead in working on recycling solar panels and batteries, or giving them a second life, as the West is busy putting up barriers to new imports from China (p.22-26). Digital micro-dramas or ultrashorts are in high demand in China (p.36-38), and producers are reeling in audiences overseas (p.39-41) Skateboarding and three other ‘street sports’ make their debut at the Paris Olympic Games. What are they and how they got in? (p.56-59)

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Issue Cover

China Report  |  Issue 134  

China is one step ahead in working on recycling solar panels and batteries, or giving them a second life, as the West is busy putting up barriers to new imports from China (p.22-26). Digital micro-dramas or ultrashorts are in high demand in China (p.36-38), and producers are reeling in audiences overseas (p.39-41) Skateboarding and three other ‘street sports’ make their debut at the Paris Olympic Games. What are they and how they got in? (p.56-59)
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China Report – Briefing the World
A unique source of balanced news and analyses for people wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the world’s emerging superpower. Filling in the gaps in the mainstream media coverage on China, our monthly magazine charts the rise of a changing China, her economic, social and cultural trends, her relations with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, and her global impact.

With direct reports from China, Europe and elsewhere, China Report offers objective coverage, expert analysis, and strategic insights for leaders and executives for a better picture of modern China. From macro-economic policies to efforts to reduce pollution and environmental degradation, from the drive to move millions out of poverty to the largest urbanisation programme in the world, China Report enables you to follow the most important and interesting events in China and beyond, and serves you as a reliable guide in making the right business and political decisions.

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Basado en 6 Opiniones de los clientes
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China Report


Great detailed stories about China

Such a a great window to what is happening in China!
This is the only publication like this that I have found in English.
Revisado 26 septiembre 2017

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