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Choir & Organ Magazine July - August 2013 Edición anterior

33 Reseñas   •  English   •   Music (Classical)
Only €7,99
We take a look at the organ of St Stephan’s Church in Mainz; Thomas Trotter champions the role of the City Organist; Philip Lawson of The King’s Singers shares his expertise of leading choral workshops; we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the St Albans International Organ Festival; tributes to Sir Colin Davis and David Broome; pointers from David Hill on conducting Tippett’s A Child of Our Time; and the great music tradition of Notre-Dame de Paris on its 850th anniversary. Plus news, reviews, recital round-ups and your chance to win CDs, DVDs and tickets in our readers’ offers!
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Choir & Organ

July - August 2013 We take a look at the organ of St Stephan’s Church in Mainz; Thomas Trotter champions the role of the City Organist; Philip Lawson of The King’s Singers shares his expertise of leading choral workshops; we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the St Albans International Organ Festival; tributes to Sir Colin Davis and David Broome; pointers from David Hill on conducting Tippett’s A Child of Our Time; and the great music tradition of Notre-Dame de Paris on its 850th anniversary. Plus news, reviews, recital round-ups and your chance to win CDs, DVDs and tickets in our readers’ offers!

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Choir & Organ issue July - August 2013

Choir & Organ  |  July - August 2013  

We take a look at the organ of St Stephan’s Church in Mainz; Thomas Trotter champions the role of the City Organist; Philip Lawson of The King’s Singers shares his expertise of leading choral workshops; we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the St Albans International Organ Festival; tributes to Sir Colin Davis and David Broome; pointers from David Hill on conducting Tippett’s A Child of Our Time; and the great music tradition of Notre-Dame de Paris on its 850th anniversary. Plus news, reviews, recital round-ups and your chance to win CDs, DVDs and tickets in our readers’ offers!
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The leading international voice of the choral and organ worlds. Choir & Organ brings you essential news and previews, topical features on new and restored instruments, and in-depth interviews with choirs, choral conductors and composers.

Choir & Organ is a must-read wherever you live and work, whether you are an organist, choral director or singer, organ builder, keen listener, or work in publishing or the record industry.

Choir & Organ brings you:

• Insights into the lives and views of leading organists, choral directors and composers.
• Beautifully illustrated features on newly built and restored organs.
• A young composer new work commission in every issue, with the score freely available

Choir & Organ is published by Rhinegold Publishing Ltd

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