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Clay Shooting Magazine April 2012 Edición anterior

28 Reseñas   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
In this month's issue of Clay Shooting magazine, Mike Yardley starts an exclusive new series on his Positive Shooting method. What's more, Vic Harker tests the Krieghoff K-80 half rib, Don Brunt puts the Gambore range through its paces and Nick Wilson calculates how much pellet drop to expect at long range. On top of this, the magazine is packed full of its usual goodies; our panel of experts tackle your clay shooting conundrums, we bring you the very best of coaching tips and explain the benefits of good quality shooting glasses. All of this along with he latest news from around the grounds makes Clay Shooting magazine the perfect read for those with a passion for shooting.
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Clay Shooting

April 2012 In this month's issue of Clay Shooting magazine, Mike Yardley starts an exclusive new series on his Positive Shooting method. What's more, Vic Harker tests the Krieghoff K-80 half rib, Don Brunt puts the Gambore range through its paces and Nick Wilson calculates how much pellet drop to expect at long range. On top of this, the magazine is packed full of its usual goodies; our panel of experts tackle your clay shooting conundrums, we bring you the very best of coaching tips and explain the benefits of good quality shooting glasses. All of this along with he latest news from around the grounds makes Clay Shooting magazine the perfect read for those with a passion for shooting.

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Clay Shooting issue April 2012

Clay Shooting  |  April 2012  

In this month's issue of Clay Shooting magazine, Mike Yardley starts an exclusive new series on his Positive Shooting method. What's more, Vic Harker tests the Krieghoff K-80 half rib, Don Brunt puts the Gambore range through its paces and Nick Wilson calculates how much pellet drop to expect at long range. On top of this, the magazine is packed full of its usual goodies; our panel of experts tackle your clay shooting conundrums, we bring you the very best of coaching tips and explain the benefits of good quality shooting glasses. All of this along with he latest news from around the grounds makes Clay Shooting magazine the perfect read for those with a passion for shooting.
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Clay Shooting Magazine is the UK's only independent magazine for clay shooters. Every 4-weeks you will find reviews and reports on the clay shooting scene, as well as technical information of interest to competitors and casual shooters of all levels. It contains up-to-the-moment news, gun reviews and analysis as well as full listings of results and fixtures from around the UK so you'll always know when the next competition is. And don’t forget, Clay Shooting supports the sport where it matters by running the Clay Shooter of the Year Awards, the British Schools and Young Shots Championships, and the Clay Shooting Classic Sporting!

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Basado en 28 Opiniones de los clientes
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Clay Shooting

magazine delivery continues to be miserable Revisado 03 febrero 2021

Clay Shooting

Get suggestions on clay shooting after Covid19 eg foot switches for trap release shooter score cards etc. Revisado 05 abril 2020

Good Read

This is a very good magazine with interesting articles Revisado 23 septiembre 2014

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