When you really think about it, all music-making is essentially about storytelling. Yet, as both creatives and producers, we can frequently find ourselves getting bogged down in the minutiae; questing for that perfect snare sound or fastidiously EQing our mix. While we might be enthralled by the production process, we want people to hear our tracks, right?
Making music that the crowd beyond the door of your studio will love forces you to think what your music is saying – and how it’s saying it. Arranging is really about making your track communicate its intentions. If you’ve written a blinding hook or earth-shaking drop, you’re going to want to signpost their arrival by building suspense and teasing the ears of the listener. It’s these type of choices that come under big focus in this month’s cover feature, serving fresh insight and tested wisdom on the often confusing decision-making required. Head to p16 to make a start.