Custom Car  |  Custom Car August 2013
When taking a holiday in the States, even if
your schedule doesn’t allow for taking in a hot
rod event, it’s pretty much a given that you’ll come
across the odd car or two whilst on your travels.
Having just got back from visiting the east coast
for the first time I certainly found that to be the case,
even though I wasn’t expecting to see a ’46 Ford pickup
in downtown New York on our first night there.
A few days later, we were waiting to catch the ferry to
Martha’s Vineyard when a group of rods rolled off the ship
that had just docked. Later on that day, we came across
quite a gathering on the island, all having been there for
the annual Boston Area Roadster’s Vineyard trip.
But these sightings were just a taster of what was to come
as, thanks to CC contributor Chuck Vranas, I was privileged to
meet Dave Simard of East Coast Custom and tour his workshops,
along with his own private collection of cars. What an experience
that was. His barns were akin to Aladdin’s caves, stashed full of
stock, in-progress and on-the-road early Fords, with the odd
Chevy thrown in for good measure. As holiday experiences go,
that’s right up there with the best of them, and I can’t thank
Chuck and Dave enough for giving up their time and indulging
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