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Dancing Times Magazine December 2017 Edición anterior

42 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
as 2017 draws to a close, Dancing Times brings you dance from unusual places and situations. The Palestinian dancer Ahmad Joudeh was born in a refugee camp in Syria, and had to fight against the disapproval of society – and his father – in order to fulfil his dream of becoming a dancer. Now living in Amsterdam, Joudeh tells his inspiring life story to Maggie Foyer. Meanwhile, in the sultanate of Oman, dance and ballet is regularly performed at the Royal Opera House in Muscat. Laura Dodge travelled to the city on behalf of Dancing Times in order to see a performance of Swan Lake and find out more about the cultural work of the theatre.
Also in this issue, former Strictly Come Dancing professional Camilla Sacre-Dallerup talks to Nicola Rayner about her decision to stop dancing; Zoë Anderson finds out about a new production of the stage musical Guys and Dolls in Manchester; Graham Watts catches up with tap dance legend Savion Glover; and we highlight a new display at the Victoria and Albert Museum by Anthony Crickmay, one of the greatest dance photographers of our age.
In addition to the above, there is so much more in this month’s magazine to keep you interested, and just enough space here to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas!
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Dancing Times

December 2017 as 2017 draws to a close, Dancing Times brings you dance from unusual places and situations. The Palestinian dancer Ahmad Joudeh was born in a refugee camp in Syria, and had to fight against the disapproval of society – and his father – in order to fulfil his dream of becoming a dancer. Now living in Amsterdam, Joudeh tells his inspiring life story to Maggie Foyer. Meanwhile, in the sultanate of Oman, dance and ballet is regularly performed at the Royal Opera House in Muscat. Laura Dodge travelled to the city on behalf of Dancing Times in order to see a performance of Swan Lake and find out more about the cultural work of the theatre. Also in this issue, former Strictly Come Dancing professional Camilla Sacre-Dallerup talks to Nicola Rayner about her decision to stop dancing; Zoë Anderson finds out about a new production of the stage musical Guys and Dolls in Manchester; Graham Watts catches up with tap dance legend Savion Glover; and we highlight a new display at the Victoria and Albert Museum by Anthony Crickmay, one of the greatest dance photographers of our age. In addition to the above, there is so much more in this month’s magazine to keep you interested, and just enough space here to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas!

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Issue Cover

Dancing Times  |  December 2017  

as 2017 draws to a close, Dancing Times brings you dance from unusual places and situations. The Palestinian dancer Ahmad Joudeh was born in a refugee camp in Syria, and had to fight against the disapproval of society – and his father – in order to fulfil his dream of becoming a dancer. Now living in Amsterdam, Joudeh tells his inspiring life story to Maggie Foyer. Meanwhile, in the sultanate of Oman, dance and ballet is regularly performed at the Royal Opera House in Muscat. Laura Dodge travelled to the city on behalf of Dancing Times in order to see a performance of Swan Lake and find out more about the cultural work of the theatre.
Also in this issue, former Strictly Come Dancing professional Camilla Sacre-Dallerup talks to Nicola Rayner about her decision to stop dancing; Zoë Anderson finds out about a new production of the stage musical Guys and Dolls in Manchester; Graham Watts catches up with tap dance legend Savion Glover; and we highlight a new display at the Victoria and Albert Museum by Anthony Crickmay, one of the greatest dance photographers of our age.
In addition to the above, there is so much more in this month’s magazine to keep you interested, and just enough space here to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas!
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Dancing Times is Britain’s leading dance monthly. Dedicated to dance since 1910, every issue of Dancing Times is packed with news, reviews and features on ballet, contemporary dance and musical theatre, as well as interviews with dance stars, health and education features, study supplements and our Into Dance section for younger readers.

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Basado en 42 Opiniones de los clientes
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Dancing Times

I think more contemporary dance reviews and dance artists from this discipline are missing. I love the magazine, it only seems to cover mainly ballet and ballroom. Revisado 15 agosto 2020

Great read??

Amazing product and is so lovely to read about our current dancers and choreographers!! Revisado 28 enero 2019

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