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Dancing Times Magazine May 2012 Edición anterior

42 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
W e celebrate some dance landmarks in the latest issue of Dancingtimes. Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures is 25 years old this year, and he discusses the company’s future and its past with Zoë Anderson on page 15. Richard Glasstone reports from Istanbul on page 25 about the State Ballet’s celebration of Dame Ninette de Valois, a company she helped establish over 60 years ago, and on page 37 you can read my tribute to Nina Ananiashvili, who marked her 30-year stage career with a wonderful mini-festival held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in March. Paul Arrowsmith highlights the return of Kenneth MacMillan’s The Prince of the Pagodas with an exploration of this elusive ballet on page 41, and Kevin Berry investigates on page 19 how some dance companies are coping one year on from the cuts in funding by Arts Council England. Our letters pages includes tributes from readers to Wayne
Eagling, English National Ballet’s departing artistic director,
and on page 6 we announce his successor, Tamara Rojo.
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Dancing Times

May 2012 W e celebrate some dance landmarks in the latest issue of Dancingtimes. Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures is 25 years old this year, and he discusses the company’s future and its past with Zoë Anderson on page 15. Richard Glasstone reports from Istanbul on page 25 about the State Ballet’s celebration of Dame Ninette de Valois, a company she helped establish over 60 years ago, and on page 37 you can read my tribute to Nina Ananiashvili, who marked her 30-year stage career with a wonderful mini-festival held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in March. Paul Arrowsmith highlights the return of Kenneth MacMillan’s The Prince of the Pagodas with an exploration of this elusive ballet on page 41, and Kevin Berry investigates on page 19 how some dance companies are coping one year on from the cuts in funding by Arts Council England. Our letters pages includes tributes from readers to Wayne Eagling, English National Ballet’s departing artistic director, and on page 6 we announce his successor, Tamara Rojo.

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Issue Cover

Dancing Times  |  May 2012  

W e celebrate some dance landmarks in the latest issue of Dancingtimes. Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures is 25 years old this year, and he discusses the company’s future and its past with Zoë Anderson on page 15. Richard Glasstone reports from Istanbul on page 25 about the State Ballet’s celebration of Dame Ninette de Valois, a company she helped establish over 60 years ago, and on page 37 you can read my tribute to Nina Ananiashvili, who marked her 30-year stage career with a wonderful mini-festival held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in March. Paul Arrowsmith highlights the return of Kenneth MacMillan’s The Prince of the Pagodas with an exploration of this elusive ballet on page 41, and Kevin Berry investigates on page 19 how some dance companies are coping one year on from the cuts in funding by Arts Council England. Our letters pages includes tributes from readers to Wayne
Eagling, English National Ballet’s departing artistic director,
and on page 6 we announce his successor, Tamara Rojo.
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Dancing Times is Britain’s leading dance monthly. Dedicated to dance since 1910, every issue of Dancing Times is packed with news, reviews and features on ballet, contemporary dance and musical theatre, as well as interviews with dance stars, health and education features, study supplements and our Into Dance section for younger readers.

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Basado en 42 Opiniones de los clientes
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Dancing Times

I think more contemporary dance reviews and dance artists from this discipline are missing. I love the magazine, it only seems to cover mainly ballet and ballroom. Revisado 15 agosto 2020

Great read??

Amazing product and is so lovely to read about our current dancers and choreographers!! Revisado 28 enero 2019

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