It’s fairly often that you’ll see some new-fangled “Diesel Buyer’s Guide” fl oating around, but this time we wanted to do something a little different. We reached out to a number of parts suppliers and asked what was fl ying off their shelves--the stuff that people were actually buying. The idea is that if other enthusiasts are buying it, you might need it too! Not surprisingly, we received a mix of replies and the product spectrum more or less ran the gambit. Most of the pieces we were told were moving could be classifi ed as “replacement upgrades;” these parts that are stock--only better. Upgraded transmission parts, fi lters, turbos, and fuel systems were all at the top of the list, with items like complete transmissions also being included, as folks are fi nally getting the time to undertake such projects. So without further ado, let’s look at what’s the market is talking about!