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Doctor Who Magazine 605 Edición anterior

439 Reseñas   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Film)
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Inside this issue

• Previews of the thrilling season finale, Empire of Death, and the new Tales of the TARDIS episode, Pyramids of Mars – a new presentation of a seventies classic!
• The Changing Face of Susan Twist – as the mystery behind her character is resolved, she reflects on her role in the latest season…
• The men from UNIT – Lenny Rush (aka new scientific adviser Morris Gibbons) and Alexander Devrient (Colonel Ibrahim) share their experiences of working on the season finale.
• Indira Varma on playing the Duchess of Pemberton and a bird-like alien Chuldur.
• Access All Areas: Rogue. Join the cast and crew on a night shoot in south Wales, including more from Jonathan Groff about playing the eponymous bounty hunter.
• Access All Areas: 73 Yards. Join Millie Gibson on location and get up-close to the mysterious woman who stalked Ruby over the decades.
• Strictly confidential! Shirley Ballas and Johannes Radebe share their delight in being invited to dance in The Devil’s Chord.
• Bang on Target! The authors of the new novelisations discuss how they adapted some of the latest episodes for print.
• Russell T Davies on watching (or trying to watch!) recent episode Boomwith his family.
• Meet the crew – an interview with one of the tireless creatives working behind the scenes.
• Loose Ends travels to ancient Egypt and imagines scenes that happened off screen.
• The Fact of Fiction – a scene-by-scene look back at Eleventh Doctor story Vincent and the Doctor.
• The latest installment of our comic strip featuring the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby.


• Gallifrey Guardian – all the latest news, including details of a wide range of books soon to hit the shelves!
• Reviewed: all the latest audio releases.
• Other Worlds – the essential guide to new stories in Doctor Who’s expanded universe.
• Win Blu-rays, books and audio releases!
Doctor Who Magazine Preview PagesDoctor Who Magazine Preview Pages

Doctor Who Magazine

605 Inside this issue • Previews of the thrilling season finale, Empire of Death, and the new Tales of the TARDIS episode, Pyramids of Mars – a new presentation of a seventies classic! • The Changing Face of Susan Twist – as the mystery behind her character is resolved, she reflects on her role in the latest season… • The men from UNIT – Lenny Rush (aka new scientific adviser Morris Gibbons) and Alexander Devrient (Colonel Ibrahim) share their experiences of working on the season finale. • Indira Varma on playing the Duchess of Pemberton and a bird-like alien Chuldur. • Access All Areas: Rogue. Join the cast and crew on a night shoot in south Wales, including more from Jonathan Groff about playing the eponymous bounty hunter. • Access All Areas: 73 Yards. Join Millie Gibson on location and get up-close to the mysterious woman who stalked Ruby over the decades. • Strictly confidential! Shirley Ballas and Johannes Radebe share their delight in being invited to dance in The Devil’s Chord. • Bang on Target! The authors of the new novelisations discuss how they adapted some of the latest episodes for print. • Russell T Davies on watching (or trying to watch!) recent episode Boomwith his family. • Meet the crew – an interview with one of the tireless creatives working behind the scenes. • Loose Ends travels to ancient Egypt and imagines scenes that happened off screen. • The Fact of Fiction – a scene-by-scene look back at Eleventh Doctor story Vincent and the Doctor. • The latest installment of our comic strip featuring the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby. PLUS! • Gallifrey Guardian – all the latest news, including details of a wide range of books soon to hit the shelves! • Reviewed: all the latest audio releases. • Other Worlds – the essential guide to new stories in Doctor Who’s expanded universe. • Win Blu-rays, books and audio releases!

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Doctor Who Magazine is the official magazine of the hugely successful BBC TV drama series Doctor Who, with each issue containing exclusive news, interviews, features and photos about the show.

The go-to source for fans since 1979, Doctor Who Magazine works closely with the makers of the show to present exclusive interviews with the stars, as well revealing behind-the-scenes secrets from all eras of the show, from 1963 to the present day.

Perfect for mature and younger readers alike, a subscription to Doctor Who Magazine is the essential companion to the TV show.


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