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Fashion Magazine March 2021 Edición anterior

12 Reseñas   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
Only €3,49
The Power of Individuality
Adonis Bosso and Jazzelle
Spring Style Hits, Neon Hair, Best Bipoc Fragrances, The botox room
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Fashion Magazine

March 2021 The Power of Individuality Adonis Bosso and Jazzelle Spring Style Hits, Neon Hair, Best Bipoc Fragrances, The botox room

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3,49 / issue
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Fashion Magazine issue March 2021

Fashion Magazine  |  March 2021  

The Power of Individuality
Adonis Bosso and Jazzelle
Spring Style Hits, Neon Hair, Best Bipoc Fragrances, The botox room
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FASHION magazine planted its roots in 1977, in the vibrant city of Toronto, Canada. Published by St. Joseph Media, 10 fabulous issues are released every year to 1.85 million devoted readers. FASHION magazine has strongly represented the Canadian fashion scene throughout its history, as well as delivered international updates from the major fashion capitals of New York, London, Paris and Milan.

FASHION magazine brings fashion-conscious individuals the very best in beauty, culture, lifestyle and every major fashion week around the globe. Are you in need of some style inspiration to help shake up that regular 9-5 attire? Or wanting to follow along with the careers of your favourite fashion designers, be it, Karl Lagerfeld or Marc Jacobs? Receive full access to the world of fashion and celebrate international, as well as local designers, retailers, bloggers and more. With expert styling tips, accurate trend forecasting and features on the best fashion finds across Canada, FASHION magazine is the go-to glossy for upgrading your street-style and staying on top of the fashion game.

Fashionistas will also have the luxury of a full shopping section within each issue, where they will find everything that Canadian fashion and beauty lovers need to hit the streets in style! 

FASHION magazine caters to fashionistas who are looking for their monthly dose of style inspiration and everything they need to know to stay up-to-date in the fashion game - always look forward to:

  • Trend reports from the runways of London, Paris, Milan and New York
  • Fashion week coverage, contests, beauty, lifestyle and culture
  • The best fashion finds across Canada
  • Expert styling tips and advice
  • Interviews with the top fashion designers, models and celebrities
  • Stay up-to-date with the coolest events and music festivals in North America

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For all Fashionistas this is for you Revisado 16 octubre 2018

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