Heavy Duty  |  HEAVY DUTY JulyAugust 2015 Issue 141
HEAVY DUTY issue 141 July/August 141 features four bitchin’ Bobbers, the fist of which of which is Bloody Mary which you can see here on the cover. Each Bobber is an impressive customised creation and any rider would be proud to own! We also have a powerful Bagger from Gasoline Alley that has grunt and a half! Going back to the past we present a 1925 Cutdown showcasing the style from that era. Plus there’s Salt Lake Racing at Lake Gairdner in SA, where H-D’s team race it out with other competitors to see who’s King of the Salt! All this including our usual pages of Tech Torq, latest news and products, readers riders and more. This is an issue not to be missed!
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Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Heavy Duty HEAVY DUTY JulyAugust 2015 Issue 141.