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History of War Magazine Issue 53 Edición anterior

50 Reseñas   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €4,99
The RAF’s bombing offensive against Nazi Germany was one of the longest, most expensive and most controversial of the Allied World War II campaigns. Its aim was to severely weaken Germany’s ability to fight, which was strategically vital for victory. This effort came at a huge price, with 55,573 airmen of Bomber Command losing their lives, a death rate of 44.4 per cent. The men were mostly very young and from many nationalities. For those who survived, Bomber Command’s reputation was widely debated in later years but victory in Europe could not have been achieved without its relentless efforts to divert German forces to defend its airspace.
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History of War

Issue 53 LANCASTER RAID The RAF’s bombing offensive against Nazi Germany was one of the longest, most expensive and most controversial of the Allied World War II campaigns. Its aim was to severely weaken Germany’s ability to fight, which was strategically vital for victory. This effort came at a huge price, with 55,573 airmen of Bomber Command losing their lives, a death rate of 44.4 per cent. The men were mostly very young and from many nationalities. For those who survived, Bomber Command’s reputation was widely debated in later years but victory in Europe could not have been achieved without its relentless efforts to divert German forces to defend its airspace.

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Great little magazine

I received an offer where I could choose a free magazine to look at and chose this. I have to say it is a really good magazine, very informative and I will definitely be downloading future issues. Revisado 06 enero 2022

History of War

great read Revisado 08 julio 2021
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