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HorseWyse Magazine Autumn / Winter 2024 Issue Edición anterior

2 Reseñas   •  English   •   Family & Home (Kids)
Only €11,99
Welcome to the exciting autumn/winter issue of Horsewyse magazine! Inside, you'll find interviews with Mary Hanna, Jessica Dertell, Bridget Murphy, and Simone Padoin, showcasing her incredible Wynara Signature.

Discover our collection of lesson plans for improving your horse skills, including dressage, trick riding, and hobby horse how-to guides. Learn plaiting techniques and master those eye-catching quarter markers you've always admired.

Have fun with puzzles, coloring, and get a chance to win loads of awesome prizes!

This issue is filled with plenty to read and enjoy, perfect for all horse lovers. Get ready for hours of entertainment!
HorseWyse Magazine Preview PagesHorseWyse Magazine Preview Pages

HorseWyse Magazine

Autumn / Winter 2024 Issue Welcome to the exciting autumn/winter issue of Horsewyse magazine! Inside, you'll find interviews with Mary Hanna, Jessica Dertell, Bridget Murphy, and Simone Padoin, showcasing her incredible Wynara Signature. Discover our collection of lesson plans for improving your horse skills, including dressage, trick riding, and hobby horse how-to guides. Learn plaiting techniques and master those eye-catching quarter markers you've always admired. Have fun with puzzles, coloring, and get a chance to win loads of awesome prizes! This issue is filled with plenty to read and enjoy, perfect for all horse lovers. Get ready for hours of entertainment!

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Este número y otros números atrasados no se incluyen en un HorseWyse Magazine suscripción. Las suscripciones incluyen el último número de la revista y los nuevos números publicados durante el periodo de suscripción. €9,50 por número en el Subscription & Back Issue Sale - General Interest offer. . Si desea suscribirse, consulte nuestro Opciones de suscripción
Los ahorros se calculan sobre la compra comparable de números sueltos durante un periodo de suscripción anualizado y pueden variar respecto a los importes anunciados. Los cálculos son meramente ilustrativos. Las suscripciones digitales incluyen el último número y todos los números regulares publicados durante su suscripción, a menos que se indique lo contrario. El periodo elegido se renovará automáticamente a menos que se cancele en el área Mi cuenta hasta 24 horas antes del final de la suscripción actual.

Horsewyse understands the fascination with horses and encourages youngsters to enjoy and appreciate the beauty, grace, and athleticism of our world’s horses and ponies. Released four times a year, this independently run Australian title is a terrific source for quality training articles and advice that are sure to educate horse-loving 6—16-year-olds hoping to connect with the animals they adore the most.

Established in 2001, Horsewyse is Australia’s number-one magazine aimed at the ever-growing audience of young horse lovers. For over two decades, Horsewyse has been resolute in its mission to help its avid audience read, write, and contribute to a like-minded group of people. Sharing readers’ stories from across the globe, this quarterly title provides an interactive digital magazine where the horse-loving youth can trade their own stories and experiences.

Covering everything from the different aspects of horse care to various forms of riding and horse profiles to beautiful photography, a Horsewyse digital magazine subscription is the surefire way to keep your young horse enthusiast engaged and entertained every time a new issue arrives on their device.

Encourage your horse loving loved one - download the latest issue of Horsewyse today!

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