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International Construction Magazine September 2019 Edición anterior

1 Reseñas   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
New location for Indonesia’s capital; ten states dominate US construction pipeline; Colombia’s longest road bridge; digital technology for Singapore.

Sub-Saharan Africa is a region with big differences between different countries but, writes Scott Hazelton from IHS Global, the outlook for construction is for moderate – but sustained – growth.

With the FIFA football world cup and World Expo 2020 coming to the region the Middle East is investing in large scale infrastructure projects, reports Joe Sargent.

The latest product launches for what is the most popular construction machines in the world in unit sales terms are examined by Joe Sargent.

From the world’s longest underwater road tunnel, new airports and high-speed railways, transport infrastructure is a key component of the industry. Andy Brown fastens his seatbelt and takes a journey around some of the world’s biggest projects.

Katherine Weir looks at the latest development in this sector in which one of the biggest trends is the tightening of environmental standards.

Government initiatives to minimise the damage caused by natural disasters as well as the country hosting the next Olympic games are helping stabilise construction equipment sales in Japan, discovers Andy Brown.

As with all other types of construction equipment, cranes have undergone a technological revolution over the past few years. Joe Sargent reports on these changes.

A look at sales figures around the world for the highest value segment of the industry, excavators.
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International Construction

September 2019 WORLD NEWS New location for Indonesia’s capital; ten states dominate US construction pipeline; Colombia’s longest road bridge; digital technology for Singapore. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Sub-Saharan Africa is a region with big differences between different countries but, writes Scott Hazelton from IHS Global, the outlook for construction is for moderate – but sustained – growth. REGIONAL REPORT With the FIFA football world cup and World Expo 2020 coming to the region the Middle East is investing in large scale infrastructure projects, reports Joe Sargent. EXCAVATORS The latest product launches for what is the most popular construction machines in the world in unit sales terms are examined by Joe Sargent. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE From the world’s longest underwater road tunnel, new airports and high-speed railways, transport infrastructure is a key component of the industry. Andy Brown fastens his seatbelt and takes a journey around some of the world’s biggest projects. MIXING TECHNOLOGY Katherine Weir looks at the latest development in this sector in which one of the biggest trends is the tightening of environmental standards. SPECIAL REPORT: JAPAN Government initiatives to minimise the damage caused by natural disasters as well as the country hosting the next Olympic games are helping stabilise construction equipment sales in Japan, discovers Andy Brown. CRANE TECHNOLOGY As with all other types of construction equipment, cranes have undergone a technological revolution over the past few years. Joe Sargent reports on these changes. OFF-HIGHWAY RESEARCH A look at sales figures around the world for the highest value segment of the industry, excavators.

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Issue Cover

International Construction  |  September 2019  

New location for Indonesia’s capital; ten states dominate US construction pipeline; Colombia’s longest road bridge; digital technology for Singapore.

Sub-Saharan Africa is a region with big differences between different countries but, writes Scott Hazelton from IHS Global, the outlook for construction is for moderate – but sustained – growth.

With the FIFA football world cup and World Expo 2020 coming to the region the Middle East is investing in large scale infrastructure projects, reports Joe Sargent.

The latest product launches for what is the most popular construction machines in the world in unit sales terms are examined by Joe Sargent.

From the world’s longest underwater road tunnel, new airports and high-speed railways, transport infrastructure is a key component of the industry. Andy Brown fastens his seatbelt and takes a journey around some of the world’s biggest projects.

Katherine Weir looks at the latest development in this sector in which one of the biggest trends is the tightening of environmental standards.

Government initiatives to minimise the damage caused by natural disasters as well as the country hosting the next Olympic games are helping stabilise construction equipment sales in Japan, discovers Andy Brown.

As with all other types of construction equipment, cranes have undergone a technological revolution over the past few years. Joe Sargent reports on these changes.

A look at sales figures around the world for the highest value segment of the industry, excavators.
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