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Jewish Chronicle Magazine June 14 2024 Edición anterior

0 Reseñas   •  English   •   General Interest (Spiritual & Religion)
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Founded in 1841, the Jewish Chronicle is the world's oldest and most influential Jewish newspaper. Published every week, The Jewish Chronicle offers the community up-to-date news and opinions across a wide range of topics: politics, features, health, education, food, lifestyle reflecting the wide diversity of Jewish religious, social and political spectrum. News coverage ranges from investigations to reports of communal activities, with context provided by leading commentators and cultural figures. Our features and lifestyle cover everything from arts and food to fashion and travel.
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Jewish Chronicle

June 14 2024 Founded in 1841, the Jewish Chronicle is the world's oldest and most influential Jewish newspaper. Published every week, The Jewish Chronicle offers the community up-to-date news and opinions across a wide range of topics: politics, features, health, education, food, lifestyle reflecting the wide diversity of Jewish religious, social and political spectrum. News coverage ranges from investigations to reports of communal activities, with context provided by leading commentators and cultural figures. Our features and lifestyle cover everything from arts and food to fashion and travel.

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Este número y otros números atrasados no se incluyen en un Jewish Chronicle suscripción. Las suscripciones incluyen el último número de la revista y los nuevos números publicados durante el periodo de suscripción. €1,35 por número . Si desea suscribirse, consulte nuestro Opciones de suscripción
Los ahorros se calculan sobre la compra comparable de números sueltos durante un periodo de suscripción anualizado y pueden variar respecto a los importes anunciados. Los cálculos son meramente ilustrativos. Las suscripciones digitales incluyen el último número y todos los números regulares publicados durante su suscripción, a menos que se indique lo contrario. El periodo elegido se renovará automáticamente a menos que se cancele en el área Mi cuenta hasta 24 horas antes del final de la suscripción actual.

Issue Cover

Jewish Chronicle  |  June 14 2024  

Founded in 1841, the Jewish Chronicle is the world's oldest and most influential Jewish newspaper. Published every week, The Jewish Chronicle offers the community up-to-date news and opinions across a wide range of topics: politics, features, health, education, food, lifestyle reflecting the wide diversity of Jewish religious, social and political spectrum. News coverage ranges from investigations to reports of communal activities, with context provided by leading commentators and cultural figures. Our features and lifestyle cover everything from arts and food to fashion and travel.
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Ever since the very first issue was published almost two centuries ago - The Jewish Chronicle has been keeping members of the Jewish community up to date and informed with a publication created to suit the needs of their people. Continuously educating their audience every week, this trusted resource of information is the cornerstone of a community that supports and celebrates one another.

Based in London, The Jewish Chronicle proudly provides a platform for high-profile figures within the Jewish community to be heard. Covering a broad spectrum of topics - from international news to sport, art to travel, and religion to entertainment - The Jewish Chronicle provides quality content every week.

Packed with insightful interviews, eye-opening opinions, and a deep dive into the issues facing the worldwide Jewish community, a Jewish Chronicle digital subscription will keep you engaged and informed every time a new issue is downloaded to your device.

Keep up to date with the latest news, developments and issues that are most important to the Jewish people - with a Jewish Chronicle digital subscription. Regular features include:

  • Interviews with high-profile Jewish figures
  • Latest news and developments
  • Features on sports, arts, religion, entertainment and more
  • Reader stories and experiences
  • Easily downloadable to your device

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