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There is so much written about stress and it is talked about everywhere you go.

The word is insufficiently defined and can mean very different things to different people, but its use often provokes feelings of fear and uncertainty.

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Mental Health Nursing
April/May 2018

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MHN lead professional officer update
Dave Munday, Unite in Health. Twitter: @davidamunday
A focus for students
Colin Walsh, Mental Health Nursing editorial board
Learning to carry out effective assessments
Colin Walsh reflects on the importance of carrying out assessments in an understanding manner
Equally Well: building a new collaborative for equal health
Andy Bell reports on a new initiative to support the physical health of people with a mental illness
Emotional intelligence and compassion: considerations for recruiting mental health nursing students
Steve Lyon Senior lecturer, University of Huddersfield Correspondence:
Non-violent resistance: towards a radically alternative mental health nursing practice
Mark Batterham Young persons’ specialist substance misuse worker Luke Cousins Young people’s substance misuse worker Ramon Wilson Young persons’ specialist substance misuse worker Dr Andrew Mathers Senior lecturer in sociology and criminology
Celebrating and promoting radicalism
George Coxon highlights the importance of encouraging radical approaches in mental health care
Speak up: There is always hope
Hope. It is the one thing that, whatever the situation
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: An alternative to psychiatric diagnosis
Lucy Johnstone reports on the development of a new non-diagnostic perspective on mental illness
Inside the mind of…Vanessa Garrity
Mental Health Nursing meets the mental health nurse, healthcare consultant and director of Sociable Angels. Follow her on Twitter at @WeMHNurses and @VanessaLGarrity
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