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Flyhawk Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf.L Luchs

For some time now, there have been various largescale kits of the ‘Luchs’: 1/35 scale from Tasca/Asuka, and 1/16 scale from Classy Hobby. For the small-scale enthusiast, Milicast have a resin 1/76-scale version, and MACO have recently produced a fairly basic injection-moulded kit in 1/72 scale. And now a name that seems to be attracting lots of attention, Flyhawk Model. Initially specialising in 1/350 and 1/700-scale warships, this Chinese company has begun to offer a range of 1/72-scale AFVs, including the Luchs. Released in 2016, the kit depicts the up-armoured version. In addition to the spaced armour plates, the main differences (compared with the earlier model) are the rack for the idler parts above the driver’s visors, and the ammo boxes attached to the rear of the turret. Tanks in such configuration served with 4 Panzer Division on the Eastern Front.

Typically, the kit components are packed in sealed plastic bags within a sturdy cardboard box. Supplementing the injectionmoulded parts are a selection of optional photoetched components. Assembly instructions are by way of a full-colour manual, with painting/marking schemes for six examples. These include one in a winter whitewash finish, and five in identical two-colour camouflage (with alternative markings). A small decal sheet provides appropriate national markings, tactical insignia, and a selection of turret numbers.

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