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Mobiography Magazine April 2020 Edición especial

28 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
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Mobiography is packed full of inspiring photography, tutorials, guides, app and accessory reviews to help you take better photos with your smartphone.

Inside this issue you will find:

+ The Dark, Gritty Street Photography of Andrew Gimblet
+ On The Streets of Tehran With Arash Akbari
+ Beginners Guide to Tree Photography
+ Planning a Photography Meetup is Easier Than You Think!
+ How to Take Selfies That Look Like Art
+ App Review: Creating Beautiful Selfies With YouCam Perfect
+ Glitch and Distort Apps Part 2: Deco Sketch
+ 5 Inspirational Photographers to Follow on Instagram
+ We highlight 5 inspirational photographers to follow on Instagram
+ Plus the Mobiography gallery showcase

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April 2020 Mobiography is packed full of inspiring photography, tutorials, guides, app and accessory reviews to help you take better photos with your smartphone. Inside this issue you will find: + The Dark, Gritty Street Photography of Andrew Gimblet + On The Streets of Tehran With Arash Akbari + Beginners Guide to Tree Photography + Planning a Photography Meetup is Easier Than You Think! + How to Take Selfies That Look Like Art + App Review: Creating Beautiful Selfies With YouCam Perfect + Glitch and Distort Apps Part 2: Deco Sketch + 5 Inspirational Photographers to Follow on Instagram + We highlight 5 inspirational photographers to follow on Instagram + Plus the Mobiography gallery showcase DOWNLOAD THIS BRAND NEW ISSUE TODAY

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Número especial digital April 2020
Este número especial no está incluido en un Mobiography suscripción. Las suscripciones incluyen el último número de la revista y los nuevos números publicados durante el periodo de suscripción. €4,16 por número en el Subscription & Back Issue Sale - Hobbies & Crafts oferta.

Opciones de suscripción
Los ahorros se calculan sobre la compra comparable de números sueltos durante un periodo de suscripción anualizado y pueden variar respecto a los importes anunciados. Los cálculos son meramente ilustrativos. Las suscripciones digitales incluyen el último número y todos los números regulares publicados durante su suscripción, a menos que se indique lo contrario. El periodo elegido se renovará automáticamente a menos que se cancele en el área Mi cuenta hasta 24 horas antes del final de la suscripción actual.

Mobiography issue April 2020

Mobiography  |  April 2020  

Mobiography is packed full of inspiring photography, tutorials, guides, app and accessory reviews to help you take better photos with your smartphone.

Inside this issue you will find:

+ The Dark, Gritty Street Photography of Andrew Gimblet
+ On The Streets of Tehran With Arash Akbari
+ Beginners Guide to Tree Photography
+ Planning a Photography Meetup is Easier Than You Think!
+ How to Take Selfies That Look Like Art
+ App Review: Creating Beautiful Selfies With YouCam Perfect
+ Glitch and Distort Apps Part 2: Deco Sketch
+ 5 Inspirational Photographers to Follow on Instagram
+ We highlight 5 inspirational photographers to follow on Instagram
+ Plus the Mobiography gallery showcase

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Mobiography Magazine is the leading digital magazine for smartphone photographers and your essential guide to the best tips, insights and inspiration from the mobile photography world.

Mobiography Magazine is a digital only, bi-monthly publication that showcases the examples of smartphone photography as well as featuring;
+ Interviews with mobile and smartphone photographers
+ Top tips, how to guides and tutorials
+ Reviews of the latest photo apps
+ Reviews of mobile photography accessories

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•  Estás protegido de las subidas de precios que puedan producirse más adelante en el año

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Basado en 28 Opiniones de los clientes
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Looking forward to new issues, loads of useful and entertaining content. Revisado 02 febrero 2021

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