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Model Boats Magazine November 2024 Edición anterior

204 Reseñas   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
Only €6,99
Welcome to the November 2024 issue of Model Boats Magazine!

Inside this issue includes: This month’s hobby-related news round-up, Your chance to nab a factory sample of the newly improved, updated and soon to rereleased kit for this Passau Patrol Boat, Nev Wade introduces us to another of his beautiful models, Phil Button completes this clever conversion and engages in some operation troubleshooting and much more!

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Model Boats

November 2024 Welcome to the November 2024 issue of Model Boats Magazine! Inside this issue includes: This month’s hobby-related news round-up, Your chance to nab a factory sample of the newly improved, updated and soon to rereleased kit for this Passau Patrol Boat, Nev Wade introduces us to another of his beautiful models, Phil Button completes this clever conversion and engages in some operation troubleshooting and much more!

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Model Boats is the world’s leading title for radio-controlled model boats and scale modelling enthusiasts. Each issue is packed with a variety of projects, helpful and practical tips and tricks, kit reviews, new releases and everything you need to know about building a model boat from scratch. 

Whether you’re new to the hobby or an experienced modeller, Model Boats caters to all boat modelling enthusiasts who are passionate about broadening their skill sets and perfecting their craft. Get inspired for your next project by a wide variety of radio-controlled boats in every issue such as model and full-size warships, yachts, cruise ships, petrol-powered, wind-powered, state galleons, lifeboats and more.

Ready to start building your ideal model boat? Enjoy step-by-step guides, detailed illustrations and practical advice to help you build your best boat model yet. Subscribe to Model Boats today and get every monthly issue delivered directly to your device.

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