Murder Most Foul  |  Murder Most Foul No. 105
Many killers, of course, get away with murder – but those who do, few later then turn confessor and admit the crime to the authorities. But it does happen, and Hanged At Pentonville – For A Murder Committed In Germany is one such fascinating case. The victim in this end-of-war killing was a 23-year-old German woman called Waltruat Lehman who was shot dead in a village near Rotenburg in June 1945. More than four years would pass before her killer would end up paying the ultimate price for his crime on the gallows at Pentonville Prison, London.
The sadistic rape and execution-style killing of four teenage girls in Austin, Texas, in 1991 is the focus of this edition’s Unsolved case, Who Killed The Yogurt Shop Girls? Sisters Jennifer and Sarah Harbison and their friends Eliza Thomas and Amy Ayers were planning to have a sleepover after two of them finished work at the Texas city’s I can’t Believe It’s Yogurt store. They never made it. Who killed them remains a mystery, although two local youths were convicted of murder and served time behind bars before the charges against them were withdrawn.
In the 1920s the southern French town of Saint-Gilles was left staggered by an epidemic of deaths among the ailing and elderly. Suspicious locals refused to believe the explanation that they had all died from natural causes. Then the police discovered that the same nurse had treated all the dead patients.
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