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OnOffice Magazine Dec-18 Edición anterior

1 Reseñas   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Design)
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In our December Leisure Issue, we look at the rise of the experiential economy in the hospitality sector and its influence on the workplace. Opening with Airbnb Experiences and closing with hospitality-infused workplaces, we navigate through what it means to design for experiences and why the Experience Beast is taking the industry by storm. Elsewhere in the edition, you can discover how pro-working brand Fora blends office design with a five-star hotel service and how Sella Concept shuns Mexican clichés for a retro-themed South American restaurant that transcends time and style.
Holding a close lens to the hospitality sector, we also bring you our yearly focus on hotels with a mix of urban and resort offerings – including the new CitizenM in New York, Andre Fu’s Thai-infused Waldorf Astoria in Bangkok and Jestico + Whiles sympathetic Zuri Zanzibar resort.
And last but not least, we went to Orgatec, we saw, we conquered, and of course, we reported. Thorough review to be found inside!
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Dec-18 In our December Leisure Issue, we look at the rise of the experiential economy in the hospitality sector and its influence on the workplace. Opening with Airbnb Experiences and closing with hospitality-infused workplaces, we navigate through what it means to design for experiences and why the Experience Beast is taking the industry by storm. Elsewhere in the edition, you can discover how pro-working brand Fora blends office design with a five-star hotel service and how Sella Concept shuns Mexican clichés for a retro-themed South American restaurant that transcends time and style. Holding a close lens to the hospitality sector, we also bring you our yearly focus on hotels with a mix of urban and resort offerings – including the new CitizenM in New York, Andre Fu’s Thai-infused Waldorf Astoria in Bangkok and Jestico + Whiles sympathetic Zuri Zanzibar resort. And last but not least, we went to Orgatec, we saw, we conquered, and of course, we reported. Thorough review to be found inside!

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OnOffice issue Dec-18

OnOffice  |  Dec-18  

In our December Leisure Issue, we look at the rise of the experiential economy in the hospitality sector and its influence on the workplace. Opening with Airbnb Experiences and closing with hospitality-infused workplaces, we navigate through what it means to design for experiences and why the Experience Beast is taking the industry by storm. Elsewhere in the edition, you can discover how pro-working brand Fora blends office design with a five-star hotel service and how Sella Concept shuns Mexican clichés for a retro-themed South American restaurant that transcends time and style.
Holding a close lens to the hospitality sector, we also bring you our yearly focus on hotels with a mix of urban and resort offerings – including the new CitizenM in New York, Andre Fu’s Thai-infused Waldorf Astoria in Bangkok and Jestico + Whiles sympathetic Zuri Zanzibar resort.
And last but not least, we went to Orgatec, we saw, we conquered, and of course, we reported. Thorough review to be found inside!
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UK's leading publication for commercial architecture and design

UK's leading publication for commercial architecture and design lots of great content features and ideas for businesses Revisado 19 junio 2020

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