Pacenotes Rally magazine  |  Issue 155 - May 2017
Daniel Lucey's Mk1 Escort beauty graces the cover of Pacenotes Rally Magazine's May edition. Inside, we take a closer look at his pride and joy, which features a 2.1 KGP engine mated to a Tractive sequential gearbox and an interesting combination of Bilstein and Reiger suspension!
We also take a look at Robert Harte's special Subaru Legacy, which he uses as 'sweeper car' at a variety of events throughout the year. Fitted with the registration H18 GUD, it's regularly mistaken for H187 GUD, which a variety of famous drivers used.
Former rally co-driver and ex-Vauxhall Motorsport Manager Mike Nicholson has joined our list of columnists. He recalls some funny tales from rallying in the late '80s with multiple Le Mans winner, Derek Bell.
Sammy Hamill looks at the deepening crisis in Irish rallying as the increasing insurance costs continue to threaten to call a halt to motorsport in Ireland. And Becs Williams makes her views clear on promoting the sport and how motor clubs can learn from World Championship events.
Martin Holmes provides his monthly WRC Wrap-Up and he also took the opportunity to talk to Logan Morrison, who was a professional rally driver back in the 1960s.
Kevin O'Driscoll's 'Retro' feature looks back at the 1981 British Rally Championship and the battles between the likes of Jimmy McRae, Tony Pond, Malcolm Wilson and Pentti Airikkala.
Our full complement of rally reports include the Midland Stages, Somerset Stages, Moonraker Rally, Killarney Deja Vu, Circuit of Ulster and others, while our 'In the Spotlight' interviews feature competitors Ed Fossey, Sam Bilham, Frenchman Sebastien Lagache and Clerk of the Course, Gerard Seaman.
There's lots more so don't miss out! Order print and digital versions online at or call 028 4066 0390.
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