PC Pro  |  November 2016
Security software is one of those inescapable necessities. While Windows continues to become more and more secure, so the criminals keep finding new attack vectors and new ways to prey on the innocent. Things move so quickly that the old approach of checking for “signatures” is no longer good enough. Modern software must monitor unrecognised processes and analyse their behaviour in real time, so that even brand-new “zero-day” exploits can be intercepted. When it comes to comparing security software, then, the question of how well each one defends against new threats is of course crucial, see “How we test” for details of how the suites in this month’s Labs were rated. But it’s only one factor among several that you should weigh up when making a purchasing decision. Read on to discover how to protect yourself from attack.
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Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en PC Pro November 2016.