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Fifteen Lanes

— Mahtab Narsimhan

S.J. Laidlaw

Tundra Books, Ages 14+

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Quill & Quire
April 2016

Otros artículos de este número

Katie Carey, who illustrated this issue’s feature on women in
Editor’s note
Academy analysis
FOR THE past two years, Q&Q has been working to
Drawing home
When Kim Fu thinks back to her “intense and prolific”
What’s in a name
THE NEWEST addition to the Vancouver Public Library system will
Best of times, Worst of times
J.K. Rowling confirmed the “existence” of seven other wizarding schools
No sense of obligation
I’m a small-press author who has published two collections of
Shock value
THE CONTINUED popularity of domestic thrillers, stoked in recent years
Reading remotely
DESPITE ITS remote location along Iceberg Alley, on the northeast
Life drawing
When I was first diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast
The academic support gap
For many years, academic publishing was considered a man’s world
The restless kind
Some writers are easy to get a bead on: they
Last call
On a warm July night in 2010, in the back
Poetic tendencies
Many Canadian fiction writers started out as poets. Rarer are
Don’t Be Interesting
Jacob McArthur Mooney’s first collection since 2011’s Folk (which was
The Largeness of Rescue
“LATELY, I have been undeveloping,” writes Eva Tihanyi in “Another
The word “metanoia” means a change of heart resulting from
Barking and Biting: The Poetry of Sina Queyras
Barking and Biting: The Poetry of Sina Queyras is the
How Festive the Ambulance
How Festive the Ambulance is the debut poetry collection from
Settler Education
Laurie D. Graham’s second collection of poems requires a bit
Things fall apart
Ashley-Elizabeth Best’s debut collection, Slow States of Collapse, comprises mostly
A Mingus Lullaby
“Genre doesn’t exist,” claims Dane Swan in a 2013 interview
Songs of Exile
Bänoo Zan immigrated to Canada in 2010 from Iran, where
Worlds in a grain of sand
“Discomfort / enthralls me,” writes Michael Prior, a poet who
The Memento
Fourteen years have passed since Christy Ann Conlin wowed readers
Quantum Night
NEBULA AWARD winner Robert J. Sawyer addresses the intricacies of
Ghosts of Bangladesh
It is a testament to the relatively placid temperament of
Inside The Mental: Silence, Stigma, Psychiatry, and LSD
After suffering a breakdown in 1948, Kay Parley was placed
On the block
Slavery was abolished in Canada in 1834, but in the
Terror’s allure
Marshall McLuhan would have had a field day exploring the
Citizen Trudeau
SUBTITLED An Intellectual Biography, 1944–1965, University of Winnipeg political science
Big Kids
While Michael DeForge’s early work set his freakish, often hilarious
Courage, my love
It takes considerable talent for an illustrator to do justice
Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Residential Schools
One of the challenges confronting Canadian youth is the legacy
Trial by Fire
IN HER latest YA mystery novel, veteran writer Norah McClintock
Harry and Walter
Next-door neighbours Harry and Walter are best friends. Harry is
Toshi’s Little Treasures
LITTLE TOSHI and his grandmother share an eventful walk, taking
Fluffy Strikes Back (A P.U.R.S.T. Adventure)
After five books about Binky, the flatulent cat who yearns
Away Running
The new novel by Luc Bouchard and David Wright tackles
Flannery is 16. She has spent her whole life in
Dragonfly Kites
THIS RECENTLY released edition of Tomson Highway’s text, originally published
Hot Pterodactyl Boyfriend
Atheneum Books for Young Readers/ Simon & Schuster Canada, Ages
Masterminds: Criminal Destiny
IN THE second instalment of Gordon Korman’s Masterminds series, friends
Positively precocious
Screenwriter, poet, and author Esta Spalding dips her toe into
Hunting for the Mississippi
When 12-year-old Eustache Bréman, the unworldly and wide-eyed narrator of
Peak performance
QUEBEC DESIGNER David Drummond searched everywhere to find the perfect