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RC Jet International Magazine October/November 2014 Edición anterior

100 Reseñas   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Radio Control Modelling)
Only €3,49
We take in a number of events and shows this month as we visit First in Flight ’14 and some testing conditions in North Carolina, take in the International Jet Formation Masters in Germany and also visit an increasing popular event from Norway, Fyresdal Jetpower ’14. We have another engine on the test rig, this issue we have the 210G from Taiwanese manufacturer Kingtech, we also look at JetCat’s latest engine, the 140RXI in our Technically Speaking column. The Velox G2 and Raptor Sport Jet finally take to the skies, we add some weathering and detailing to the BVM F-16, begin a multipart series showing how to ultimately build your own sequencer unit for releasing drop tanks and bombs, and review PowerBox’s advanced GPS Sensor, the GPS II. Enjoy the issue.
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RC Jet International

October/November 2014 We take in a number of events and shows this month as we visit First in Flight ’14 and some testing conditions in North Carolina, take in the International Jet Formation Masters in Germany and also visit an increasing popular event from Norway, Fyresdal Jetpower ’14. We have another engine on the test rig, this issue we have the 210G from Taiwanese manufacturer Kingtech, we also look at JetCat’s latest engine, the 140RXI in our Technically Speaking column. The Velox G2 and Raptor Sport Jet finally take to the skies, we add some weathering and detailing to the BVM F-16, begin a multipart series showing how to ultimately build your own sequencer unit for releasing drop tanks and bombs, and review PowerBox’s advanced GPS Sensor, the GPS II. Enjoy the issue.

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RC Jet International issue October/November 2014

RC Jet International  |  October/November 2014  

We take in a number of events and shows this month as we visit First in Flight ’14 and some testing conditions in North Carolina, take in the International Jet Formation Masters in Germany and also visit an increasing popular event from Norway, Fyresdal Jetpower ’14. We have another engine on the test rig, this issue we have the 210G from Taiwanese manufacturer Kingtech, we also look at JetCat’s latest engine, the 140RXI in our Technically Speaking column. The Velox G2 and Raptor Sport Jet finally take to the skies, we add some weathering and detailing to the BVM F-16, begin a multipart series showing how to ultimately build your own sequencer unit for releasing drop tanks and bombs, and review PowerBox’s advanced GPS Sensor, the GPS II. Enjoy the issue.
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RC Jet International covers events internationally as well as airframe reviews and engine tests of products made anywhere in the world. RC Jet International is the only magazine to run regular turbine engine tests and publish comparison performance information. There are regular features devoted to new products/developments, High Power Electric Ducted Fan, and tips. Each issue we try to maintain a balance between reviews of kits, scratch built models, engine tests and reports on meetings.

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Basado en 100 Opiniones de los clientes
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RC Jet International

Fantastic product. very in depth coverage of the RC jet world Revisado 06 mayo 2020

RC Jet International

RC Jet International is excellent magazine. I particularly like the articles for beginners, in each issue. Revisado 18 marzo 2020

RC Jet International

keep up the good work Revisado 18 marzo 2020

Wonderfull magazine

Lots of articles, awesome pics, just needs alittle more media on it. Very happy with this magazine Revisado 24 noviembre 2012

Best magazine for me!!! Revisado 03 septiembre 2012

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