Simply Knitting  |  Issue 189
With shorter days and an autumn breeze on the horizon, we have a variety of projects to keep your knitting needles clicking on those chilly evenings. From a frilly bag, beautiful geometric cushion, warm lacy socks and even a fabulous beehive tea cosy by Tea Cosy Folk – there is something for everyone in Simply Knitting! We have the second part of our KAL and also a terrific teddy bear pattern designed by Amanda Berry. Don’t miss our brilliant reads with our Knitter’s World feature on the first-ever heavy metal knitting event in Finland, and pick up some essential tips on shaping and cables. Plus, there is even more, to celebrate Stylecraft’s 30th birthday, we have an exclusive pattern booklet and also our much anticipated Knitdark booklet. It’s a jam-packed issue you don’t want to miss! Happy knitting!
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Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en Simply Knitting Issue 189.