Do you have fond memories of passing a netball around the school playground? Would you love to give football a go, but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you looking for an activity that’s easy, fun and will introduce you to lots of new people? If so, walking sports could be the perfect exercise choice for you.
They’re reworked versions of your favourite sports – originally developed to cater to over-50s and now available for all ages – where instead of running, you play the game at a walking pace. That means it’s moderate rather than high-intensity exercise, making it ideal for beginners or those who haven’t exercised in a while, as well as being low-impact and kinder to your joints. It also counts towards your Body Magic awards in group because while taking part in these sports can be less challenging, it’ll still raise your heart rate, help strengthen your muscles and lower your risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers. A study by Birmingham’s Aston University of older adults playing walking football found the average player walked nearly 2.4km during a game ‘and because it gets quite competitive, they walked fast and worked up a sweat,’ adds one of the researchers, Niyah Campbell.