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Helionox: Deluxe Edition

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Edición digital única July 2018 (#20)
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Tabletop Gaming
July 2018 (#20)

Otros artículos de este número

It’s hard to imagine my childhood without TCGs: hours
At a Glance
First Turn
Before stranding us as Robinson Crusoe or those First Martians, Poland’s top designer bashed together a silly party game named Machina that accidentally changed his life
10 of the Best
Unplug and give those square eyes a rest: plenty of digital games have made the leap into the analogue world, but the results can be varied. If you’re looking for a high score, though, you won’t go wrong by getting the download on these
Role Call
Ninjas, superspies, Middle-earth and a journey to the far wilds of Venus
All the Jahres
Replaying the winners of the Spiel des Jahres so you don’t have to
My Favourite Game
The Wordsy designer, ferret fan and channel-surfer behind The Networks recalls how he went from being shocked to electrified by the messiness of Power Grid
Have You Played?
The sci-fifavourite takes place in a universe full to the brim with alien races, but it’s the game’s human elements that have kept it just as electrifying – and hilarious – for more than four decades. That’s just about the only thing not open to negotiation…
Kickstarting from Scratch
With Art Deck’s campaign underway, Holly Gramazio takes us through the anxiety and excitement of the first 24 hours of launching a project… once you finally manage to press ‘GO’
The Independent Shelf
If you spent hours playing retro sports games, this fast and fluid American football star will have you cheering in no time
Through the Ages
Games are better together, and teaming up with friends serves as the basis of some of the tabletop’s very best experiences: from cracking crimes to fighting evil
Play it Smart
As tabletop tournaments grow in prestige and popularity, could we see games stand alongside athletics on the world stage? Our professors give it a spor ting chance
Unearthed Artefacts
++YEAR 3122++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++ found sector n4: pastime x17 – board game – “wildlifefisafari”
Tabletop Time Machin
You would think a board game about the news would become
25 Years of Magic
The world’s biggest card game remains just as enchanting and utterly engrossing a quarter-century on. Designers, artists and fans join us to celebrate the ultimate creature comfort
Greg Stafford turned his teenage spiritual soul-searching into a remarkable fantasy world. When he found Steve Perrin, the result was a D&D-rivalling RPG that would change roleplaying forever
How We Made
The flexible RPG system put no limits on creativity and let players take their story into their own hands, leading to some of the most imaginative roleplaying experiences out there
One massive armoured robot tank against an entire army. 30 years on, the battle is still raging. Steve Jackson looks back at his monster creation
CIA Games
When the CIA revealed it was using board games to train its agents, no-one expected them to ever see the light of day. Then, suddenly, the tabletop secrets were out there for all to play
When Clay Ross found himself craving meatier board games, he started up his own label to resurrect tabletop heavyweights. Now Capstone is diving fully into the deep end with its first original design
Champions of the Galaxy
For most of his life, Tom Filsinger has been working on his dream project: a sci-fiwrestling card game inspired by comic-book legends. Meet the Champions of the Galaxy
Century: Eastern Wonders
A sequel/expansion that proves that spice is the variety of life
A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game
All minis must die
The Mind
It’s the year’s most controversial game, and it’s mental
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha
Adventure in a Bronze-Age world of magic and mysticism
A cracking game of inevitable miscommunication
Construct your own contrabulous fabtraptions in a steampunk fantasy plant
Dungeons & dragons: Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Devils and demons for your Dungeons & Dragons
Get your fill in this frantic dice-chucker
Drop it
It’s Tetris meets Connect Four - but its rulebook drops the ball
History of the World
The rise and fall of empires ascends to new heights
Space Base
Too much base in your face?
Big Trouble in Little China: The Game
This retro trip to the ‘80s is style over substance
Shards of Infinity
To Infinity and beyond deckbuilding
A simple surface hides a game with plenty of spirit
Barker’s Row
Step right up and try your luck!
Unlock! Secret Adventures
Designers: Lewis Cheshire, Arch Stanton, Thomas Cauët
Fantastiqa: Rival Realms
Designer: Alf Seegert | Artist: Caspar David Friedrich
A future not to look forward to
Painting guide
Dive into the dreamy domain of Jerry Hawthorne’s family-friendly fantasy adventure by giving its squad of huggable heroes a colourful makeover
Dungeon Master’s Guide to Roleplaying
A few sentences can give your world the delicious splash of flavour needed to bring it to life in the minds of your players. But what should you say? And how do you make sure it’s brevity rather than blathering? Here are a few choice words…
Event Report
Keary Birch runs us through the biannual Leicester-based roleplaying meet-up that emerged from one of the UK’s longest-running conventions
Shop Spotlight
Ross Bingham went from talking about games on a podcast to running his own hobby café. He tells us how he ended up turning his dream into a reality
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