The Armourer  |  November-December 2012
Included in the November/December 2012 issue of The Armourer
Terror from the skies – A research project on the first blitz of Hull 1915-1918, by Arthur G. Credland
Ship ahoy! Ray Westlake takes a look at ships’ badges c.1925: part 2, diamonds and U-shaped shields
Infantry Guns - The Japanese Way – Terry Gander reports on the 70mm Battalion Gun Type 92
Picking up the pieces - James Wearn looks at the increasing fascination for relics from the two World Wars, with a cautious eye
Austro-Hungarian rifles of WW1 - by Paul Scarlata, with photos by James Walters & Nathan Reynolds
Bayonet Fact File by R.D.C Evans - The US Remington Commercial Knife Bayonet for the Remington Rolling Block Rifle No.5, Model 1897
The Last of its kind? A rediscovered training device of the German Imperial Navy, by Michael Heidler
Reflections on the First World War - by John Norris
WW1 Ottoman Turkish Kalpak - an important part of the uniform, by Dr Chris Flaherty
A tank with three names - a photo from Raymond Shirley and Christine Rowley's WW1 album
Lest we forget: memories from the front - personal mementoes from Bill Harriman
The Model of 1917 Browning Water-Cooled Machine Gun - by Robert G. Segel
The Small World of Miniature Bayonets - two souvenirs of the 1918 Armistice, by Roger Evans
On Service in Canada 1866 - Medal collecting with Peter Duckers
Plus a look at who is selling what at arms and militaria fairs around the country, auctions, book reviews, European fairs, news & views, club contacts and arms fair diary
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