The Artist  |  October 18
Welcome to the October issue in which many of our top-class artists celebrate painting in a variety of locations in all kinds of weather, from Pete the Street Brown in Havana, to Geoff Hunt who shows how not to let an unpromising day spoil your painting. Our artist-tutors also offer help and advice on colour mixing in oils, how to improve your compositional awareness, use gouache to paint atmospheric landscapes, create luminosity in your paintings by combining cold wax and water-soluble oils, and develop your skills by working in monochrome. Paul Talbot-Greaves suggests a simple exercise to help you loosen up, Julie Collins shows how to mix the right greens for your watercolour paintings, while Glyn Macey invites you to learn from the painting style of Lamorna Birch by following this month's demonstration. Plus, be inspired as we introduce many of this year's The Artist Open Competition amazingly talented prizewinners!
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omo abonado recibirá las siguientes ventajas:
• Un descuento sobre el PVP de su revista
• Su revista en su dispositivo cada mes
• Nunca te perderás un número
• Estás protegido de las subidas de precios que puedan producirse más adelante en el año
Recibirás 12 problemas durante un año The Artist suscripción a la revista.
Nota: Las ediciones digitales no incluyen los artículos de portada ni los suplementos que encontraría en los ejemplares impresos.
Artículos de este número
A continuación encontrará una selección de artículos en The Artist October 18.