True Detective  |  British Murders That Shocked The World
WARNING: Not for the faint-hearted!
Brace yourself for the in-depth stories of some of Britain’s most notorious and depraved killers… plus others, just as horrific, you may never have heard of before. They all have one thing in common – their murderous crimes sent shockwaves around the world...
* Peter Sutcliffe
* Peter Moore
* Carole and Michael Hanson
* Michael Sams
* Edward Crowley
* Harold Shipman
* Christopher Hunnisett
* Donald Neilson
* Colin Ireland
* The killer of Hilda Murrell
* Ian Simms
* Beverley Allitt
* David Smith
* Arthur and Nizamodeen Hosein
* Barry Prudom
* David Lashley
* Frederick Sewell
* Howard Hughes
* John Taylor
* Myra Hindley and Ian Brady
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