If, like me, you are of a certain age, you will almost certainly have watched mind-bending sci-fimovie Total Recall. One of the most expensive films ever made (at that time), it featured Arnold Schwarzenegger at the height of his powers in a plot so baffling most left the cinema with minor headaches. In one memorable scene, Arnie walks through a 3D imaging conveyor that reveals a hidden weapon: cue obligatory crashing and multi-million pound damage.
What has this got to do with running, you might ask? Well, it’s the thought that’s going through my head as we speed towards the headquarters of Brighton-based Stride UK, one of the very first companies in the country to invest in the latest threedimensional (3D) software from Motion Matrix, arguably the world’s most complete motion-capturing software for runners. Of course, the reality is that it’s nothing like the Total Recall conveyor belt – but it’s still at the cutting edge of running analysis.