Airports of the World  |  September-October 2017
In this issue, Airports of the World goes behind the scenes to learn about the latest hot topic in air traffic control, digital remote towers. While some armchair critics have poured scorn on the concept of transferring an ATC service to a remote location, we’ve taken time to talk to the experts to find out what’s really involved, and what is being done to make sure it’s a success.
We also pay a visit to Gibraltar, which is sometimes - arguably unfairly - claimed to be one of the more dangerous airports in the world due to the turbulence that can be created by the Rock.
Plus, we turn the spotlight on Germany, where we profile three airports ranging from the large hub at Hamburg, to the low-cost facility at Weeze, near Niederrhein, in the Lower Rhein region.
If sunshine is more to your liking, we also have a feature on Gold Coast Airport, which will be hosting thousands of athletes next year when the Commonwealth Games takes place nearby. Our regular features, including ten pages of airport news, a snapshot from Argentina, and a look at recent UK airport visitors, are also included.
We hope you enjoy reading Airports of the World as much as we enjoy compiling it.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airports of the World September-October 2017.